Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Family Reunion

The installation that I'm working on will be comprised of a table and will have platters of El Salvadoran food on it. I have been wanting to create food sculptures like those of Claes Oldenburg but at a smaller scale (I want the food sculptures to be the sizes the real food is). I'm still in the process of developing the idea, but i want each seat at the table to have an item or engraving on it that represents members from the Arriaga family; It's my interpretation of a family tree.

Plywood with house and acrylic paint.

My wood fried plantains next to my lunch.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Sixth Cyborg in Series Underway

My cyborg series started with mechanical limbs on models. I enjoyed working with the human body and making the mechanical parts appear flat and composed of basic shapes.

I wanted to try something different and decided to turn my cyborgs into amputees. I only did two of these paintings before I realized that I wanted to work more with the cyborg theme.

This is my current painting in my cyborg series. I was beginning to work with the male figure because I realized I use the female body the most. However, I defaulted to a female figure for this one because I wanted to try a darker skin tone on a familiar body shape; I didn't realize how generic the skin tones were appearing on all my paintings. I hope to paint two, dark skinned male cyborgs for the last two paintings in my series.